
Competitive prices of our suppliers can be justified by the following facts:

  • € 0.11*/1 kWh – cost of electricity for commercial enterprises in Ukraine
  • € 330*/month – average wages in Ukraine
  • continual modernization of production and investments in energy-saving technologies
  • optimization of technological processes allowing reduction in production costs
  • average cost of metal in Ukraine used in production of parts for machinery
  • Steel prices in Ukraine are on average at the level of European steel prices. For large quantities there is always a possibility to influence the cost and delivery time, i.e. to reduce (price and delivery time)

It must be stressed that permanent high quality is maintained always

Our principle of cooperation with buyers of Ukrainian produce presupposes provision of advantageous and favourable terms, that is why we provide services to our customers free of charge

Our services include:

  • request processing
  • provision of a commercial offer for the requested workpiece
  • arrangement of meetings with potential suppliers
  • consideration of drawings
  • sample preparation and delivery control
  • management of business correspondence with suppliers

*  July 2021